Tuesday, September 21, 2010




Friday, May 28, 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Seorang menteri terhormat mengunjungi sebuah rumah sakit jiwa.
"Bagaimana keadaan kamu?" menteri tersebut bertanya pada pesakit. "Senangkah kamu semua dengan segala apa yang ada disini?"
"Senang tuan!" para pesakit itu bersorak serentak.
"Apakah kelakuan kamu baik disini?"

"Baik tuan," ujar seorang pesakit. "Kerana kami berkelakuan baik, pengarah rumah sakit ini membina sebuah kolam renang untuk kami, lengkap dengan papan anjal. Secara bergiliran kami diizinkan menggunakan papan anjal itu. Kalau kelakuan kami semakin baik, pengarah berjanji akan mengisi kolam renang itu dengan air bulan depan...."

Sumbangan: Lan


Seorang pesakit yang akan dibedah terbaring di katil bilik bedah dengan muka yang pucat. Seorang doktor bedah muda masuk sambil menyapa pesakit tersebut dengan ramah.

"Awak kelihatan takut sekali, jangan bimbang, semuanya akan berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, jadi tabahkan hati mu..."

"Bagaimana tidak takut doktor, seumur hidup, inilah kali pertama saya dibedah."

"Sama-sama, saya juga kali pertama buat pembedahan, saya sama sekali tidak merasa takut..."

Sumbangan: Salim

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Subuh ialah Nabi Adam a.s., iaitu tatkala baginda keluar dari syurga lalu dihantar ke bumi. Perkara pertama yang dilihatnya ialah kegelapan Dan baginda berasa takut yang amat sangat. Apabila fajar Subuh telah keluar Nabi Adam a.s. Pun bersembahyang dua rakaat.
Rakaat pertama :- Bersyukur baginda kerana terlepas dari kegelapan malam.
Rakaat kedua :- Bersyukur baginda kerana siang telah menjelma.

Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Zohor ialah Nabi Ibrahim a.s.,iaitu tatkala Allah s.w.t. Telah memerintahkan padanya agar menyembelih anaknya Nabi Ismail a.s. Sedang seruan itu datangnya pada waktu tergelincir matahari, lalu sujudlah Nabi Ibrahim empat rakaat.
Rakaat pertama :- Bersyukur bagi penebusan .
Rakaat kedua :- Bersyukur kerana dibukakan dukacitanya Dan juga anaknya .
Rakaat ketiga :- Bersyukur Dan bermohon akan keredhaan Allah.
Rakaat keempat :- Bersyukur kerana korbannya digantikan dengan tebusan kibas.

Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Asar ialah Nabi Yunus a.s.,tatkala baginda dikeluarkan oleh Allah dari perut ikan nun. Ikan nun telah memuntahkan Nabi Yunus di tepi pantai sedang ketika itu telah masuk waktu Asar. Maka bersyukurlah Nabi Yunus lalu bersembahyang empat rakaat kerana baginda telah diselamatkan oleh Allah daripada 4 kegelapan iaitu:
Rakaat pertama :- Kelam dengan kesalahan.
Rakaat kedua :- Kelam dengan air laut .
Rakaat ketiga :- Kelam dengan malam.
Rakaat keempat :- Kelam dengan perut ikan Nun .

Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Maghrib ialah Nabi Isa a.s.,tatkala baginda dikeluarkan oleh Allah dari kejahilan Dan kebodohan kaumnya, sedang waktu itu telah terbenamnya matahari. Bersyukurlah Nabi Isa lalu bersembahyang tiga rakaat kerana diselamatkan dari kejahilan tersebut, iaitu:
Rakaat pertama :- Untuk menafikan ketuhanan selain daripada Allah yang Maha Esa.
Rakaat kedua :- Untuk menafikan tuduhan Dan juga tohmahan ke atas ibunya Siti Mariam yang telah dituduh melakukan perbuatan sumbang.
Rakaat ketiga :- Untuk meyakinkan kaumnya bahawa Tuhan itu hanya satu iaitu Allah jua, tiada dua atau tiga.

Orang yang pertama mengerjakan sembahyang Isyak ialah Nabi Musa a.s. Pada ketika itu Nabi Musa telah tersesat mencari jalan keluar dari negeri Madyan, sedang dalam dadanya penuh dengan perasaan dukacita. Allah lalu menghilangkan semua perasaan dukacitanya itu pada waktu Isyak yang akhir.Lalu sembahyanglah Nabi Musa empat rakaat sebagai tanda bersyukur.
Rakaat pertama :- Dukacita terhadap isterinya.
Rakaat kedua :- Dukacita terhadap saudaranya Nabi Harun.
Rakaat ketiga :- Dukacita terhadap Firaun.
Rakaat keempat :- Dukacita terhadap anak Firaun .

Terbitkan makna dalam Kita mengerjakan solat
Semoga dengan memahami bacaan
Akan membuat Kita lebih khusuk dalam solat.

Allah Maha Besar
( Takbiratulihram)

Doa Iftitah
Allah Maha Besar Dan segala puji bagi Allah dengan banyaknya.
Maha suci Allah sepanjang pagi Dan petang.
Aku hadapkan wajahku bagi Tuhan yang mencipta langit Dan bumi,
Dengan suasana lurus Dan berserah diri Dan aku bukan dari golongan orang musyrik.
Sesungguhnya solatku,
Adalah untuk Allah Tuhan sekelian alam.
Tidak Ada sekutu bagiNya Dan kepadaku diperintahkan untuk tidak
Menyekutukan bagiNya Dan aku dari golongan orang Islam.

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi maha Mengasihani.
Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.
Yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani.
Yang menguasai Hari pembalasan.
Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah Dan hanya kepada Engkau kami mohon pertolongan.
Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus.
Iaitu jalan orang-orang yang Engkau kurniakan nikmat kepada mereka, bukan jalan mereka yang Engkau murkai Dan bukan jalan mereka yang sesat.

Bacaan ketika rukuk
Maha Suci TuhanKu Yang Maha Mulia Dan dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika bangun dari rukuk
Allah mendengar pujian orang yang memujinya.

Bacaan ketika iktidal
Wahai Tuhan kami, bagi Engkaulah segala pujian.

Bacaan ketika sujud
Maha suci TuhanKu yang Maha Tinggi Dan dengan segala puji-pujiannya.

Bacaan ketika duduk di antara dua sujud
Ya Allah, ampunilah daku,
Rahmatilah daku,
Kayakan daku,
Angkatlah darjatku,
Rezekikan daku,
Berilah aku hidayah,
Sihatkanlah daku Dan
Maafkanlah akan daku.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Awal
Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi Dan rahmat Allah serta
Sejahtera ke atas kami Dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah Dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah.
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad.

Bacaan ketika Tahiyat Akhir
Segala penghormatan yang berkat solat yang baik adalah untuk Allah.
Sejahtera atas engkau wahai Nabi Dan rahmat Allah serta keberkatannya.
Sejahtera ke atas kami Dan atas hamba-hamba Allah yang soleh.
Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah Dan aku naik saksi bahawasanya Muhammad itu adalah pesuruh Allah.
Ya Tuhan kami, selawatkanlah ke atas Nabi Muhammad Dan ke atas keluarganya.
Sebagaimana Engkau selawatkan ke atas Ibrahim Dan atas keluarga Ibrahim.
Berkatilah ke atas Muhammad Dan atas keluarganya sebagaimana Engkau berkati ke atas Ibrahim Dan atas keluarga Ibrahim di dalam alam ini.
Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Terpuji lagi Maha Agung.

Doa Qunut
Ya Allah, berilah aku petunjuk sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau tunjuki.
Sejahterakanlah aku sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau sejahterakan.
Pimpinlah aku sebagaimana orang-orang yang telah Engkau pimpin.
Berkatilah hendaknya untukku apa-pa yang telah Engkau berikan padaku.
Jauhkanlah aku daripada segala kejahatan yang telah Engkau tetapkan.
Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau sahajalah yang menetapkan, dan tidak sesiapapun yang berkuasa menetapkan sesuatu selain daripada Engkau.
Sesungguhnya tidak terhina orang yang memperolehi pimpinanMu.
Dan tidak mulia orang-orang yang Engkau musuhi.
Telah memberi berkat Engkau, ya Tuhan kami dan maha tinggi Engkau.
Hanya untuk Engkau sahajalah segala macam puji terhadap apa-apa yang telah Engkau tetapkan.
Dan aku minta ampun dan bertaubat kepada Engkau.
Dan Allah rahmatilah Muhammad, Nabi yang ummi dan sejahtera keatas keluarganya dan sahabat-sahabatnya .

'Wahai Tuhan, aku tak layak ke syurgaMu ...namun tak pula aku sanggup
ke NerakaMu.... kami lah hamba yang mengharap belas darimu .'ya Allah
jadikan lah kami hamba2 Mu yang bertaqwa..ampunkan dosa2 kami .kedua
ibubapa kami .dosa semua umat2 Islam yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal

Ehsan : Dari email Kak Normah, Pengetua Smk Batu Sapi

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010



Dua orang yang berjiran berbicara mengenai pekerjaan, ketika salah seorang bertanya, "Mengapa mandur perusahaan memecatmu?"

Balas orang kedua, "Hmm, kamu tahu kan bagaimana seorang mandur selalu berdiri, berkeliling dan melihat yang lain melakukan perkerjaan. Mandur saya cemburu, kerana orang mulai berfikir bahawa saya adalah mandur."



Seorang wanita telah mengajak teman lelakinya ke rumahnya supaya dapat berdua-duaan di malam minggu. Jadi teman lelakinya bersetuju. Tau-tau sajalah apa yang dia orang buat di malam minggu tu berdua-duaan di dalam bilik wanita tu….. kira malam minggu tu milik dia oranglah. Selepas selesai melakukan adengan yang dicensoredkan, si lelaki ni pun berehat sambil mengambil rokoknya tapi mancis takder.

Bertanyalah si lelaki ni kepada teman wanitanya; “Darling! ada mancis tak?”. Ada kat dalam laci sebelah katil tu”, jawab si wanita tu. Masa buka laci tu,terpandanglah si lelaki tu sebuah potret lelaki di dalam laci tu. Bertanyalah si lelaki tu pada teman wanitanya; “Gambar siapa ni yang? Gambar suami sayang ker? “Bukan” jawab si wanita tu. “Kalau bukan gambar suami sayang, gambar tunang sayang ker?”, “Bukan jugak” jawab wanita tu lagi. “Kalau bukan jugak, habis gambar ni gambar siapa?” tanya silelaki tu untuk mendapat penjelasan lanjut “Yanggg! Gambar tu adalah gambar saya sebelum saya menjalani pembedahan jantina” jawab si wanita tu dengan penuh manja.




Kisah Kasih Suami Pada Isteri Pak Mat adalah seorang penduduk sebuah pondok di Selatan Thailand. Pada pertengahan bulan Mei yang lalu isterinya yang bernama Maznah telah meninggal dunia kerana diserang penyakit jantung.

Pak Mat yang berusia menjangkau empat puluhan telah diperhatikan oleh jiran-jirannya agak luar biasa iaitu beliau telah pergi ke kubur isterinya sebanyak tiga kali sehari. Pak Mat pergi pada waktu pagi, tengah hari dan petang untuk menyiram kubur isterinya lebih dari dua minggu secara berterusan. Ada setengah dari jiran dan penduduk tempatan beranggapan Pak Mat begitu cintakan isterinya.

Seorang saudaranya yang terdekat telah berkata, "Awak ni terlalu sangat cintakan isteri sehingga sanggup berbuat demikian, yang mana tak ada siapa lagi di kampung ini buat begitu." Pak Mat menjawab, "sebenarnya sebelum Maznah hendak menghembuskan nafas yang terakhirnya, beliau telah berpesan kepada saya, kalau hendak kahwin pun tunggulah sehingga rumput di kuburnya tumbuh dahulu." " Oleh yang demikian saya terpaksa siram kuburnya supaya rumput cepat tumbuh......"



Pada suatu hari,adalah tiga kawan yang karib.nama mereka ialah Gaduh,Otak dan Gila.Tiba-tiba Gaduh telah hilang,lalu Otak dan Gila pun laporkan kepada polis yang bertugas.

Gila:polis, saya nak cari Gaduh
Polis:awak ni Gilakah?
Polis:mana Otak awak?
Gila:Otak saya diluar.



Pada satu hari, si suami balik dari kerja dan mendapati si isteri tengah bergaduh besar dengan maid indonesianya. .. maka si suami dengan hati yg suci ingin lah jadi org PBB jap, nak tolong damaikan suasana.. maka bertanyalah si suami ngan suara yg lembut pada isterinya..Apa hal ni!!!!!
Yang... . kenapa bising2 ni"... ..jawap si isteri dgn nada marah... "ni hah!!!!! seluar dalam i hilang, tentu si Tuti(nama ni rekaan semata2) yang curi seluar dalam Gucci i yg mahal yg i beli kat Beijing tuhh!!! " Disambut pulak oleh si suami ... ." alahai Yang ni, takkan lah sebab hilang satu helai seluar dalam pun nak bising se kawasan perumahan. Dah, dah,nanti Abang belikan ganti yg lebih mahal dan seksi lagi... " Berkata lagi si isteri... "Tapi bang, kalu sehelai i tak sakit hati sangat, ni yang hilang tu , 10 helai tau... ... 10 helai!!! (sambil tunjuk jari sepuluhnya)" Maka terkejut beruklah si suami dengar berita ini, berpusing lah dia pada Tuti yg terkebil2 sejak tadi... dgn suara yg lebih lembut lagi ,si suami bertanya... ."betul ke Tuti, kamu yang curi seluar dalam mak encik kamu ? Ingat... .kamu mesti bercakap benar!!!" Si Tuti dengan muka yang ketakutan dan suara terketar2 yg pekat dgn pelat indonesianya pun menjawaplah. .. . " tapi... tapi... tapi... bapak kan tahu saya enggak pernah pakai seluar dalam!!!!! "


Sunday, May 9, 2010


It's gonna be BLUE OF THIS YEAR!!!!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Badminton Joke - Simply "Bad Minton"!

Badminton Joke - Simply "Bad Minton"!

Well, when it comes to badminton jokes there are plenty of them available online as well as offline.

However, as a ground reality we know finding a good badminton joke can be a real challenging task especially when finding offline or in printed formats, as you may have to search for several books, magazines or other literature.

Whereas, the online world is really different, as you can easily find numerous badminton jokes online these days. Contrary to the recent past, these days there are many online websites that are especially dedicated to jokes. Depending upon your choice you can search for different jokes in different categories, such as cricket jokes, tennis jokes and even badminton jokes.

No doubt, badminton is a serious racket game that requires a lot of stamina and practice to win the game, but there is something unique in it to make it a funny sport. Though, as far as quality is concerned, you may not be able to find a really funny joke, cartoon or picture so easily. But still there are a lot of badminton funny cartoons and pictures available on the Internet.

Those who have a little knowledge know that cartoons about the sport of badminton have a long history associated with them. One of the most famous and recorded badminton funny cartoons was published by Punch magazine in the year 1854.

Let's come back to badminton jokes. One of the most simple and short badminton jokes could be "Bad Minton". Badminton is unquestionably a very popular sport around the world. Perhaps there is something really funny in the name itself, e.g. there are many terms and accessories associated with the sport that make this sport a funny one, such as "shuttlecock", "shuttle", "cock", "love all", "service over" and "change ends" etc.

Jokes are jokes; they can come in any form or type, so it all depends upon who says and what, and in what circumstances. For example, it is said that in order to score in badminton a player must place his cock in his opponent's court with thrust. It is really funny when it is generally said that in badminton a player may only handle the cock before serving or after scoring.

I still remember, when a childhood friend of mine once said, "If a player does not get the cock into his opponents court for any reason then he does not score and cannot try again until he has service again."

I am sure, everybody who in some form or other is related to badminton sport, knows that in badminton damaged cocks aren't used as this can cause irritation to the court surface. No doubt, courts are delicate so should be handled with utmost care and delicacy. Therefore it is sometimes said that rubber covers (of course in badminton) are highly advised for safety as they are about 99% less likely to damage the court.

Wise people say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. So true, especially when it comes to jokes. There are many people who may not laugh even at decent jokes, whereas there are people who would start bursting at some simple lines. If you don't believe then see these lines:

"Courts with worn or damaged patches should not be used for at least two weeks."

"We don't need new balls in badminton."


The Uber Cup, an international team competition for ladies on the lines of the Thomas Cup was first mooted early in 1950. Mrs H S Uber suggested and offered a trophy to the IBF but the competition was not considered at that time due to financial constraints.

Finally in 1953, the institution of the Uber Cup was agreed upon in principle. Mrs. Uber's kind offer was gratefully accepted and it was agreed that the inaugural contest should take place over 1956-57.

Mrs. Uber made the official presentation of her trophy at the annual General Meeting of the Federation of 1956 and she herself made the draw for the inaugural contest. The Uber Cup is a beautiful piece of silver of unusual design. Surmounted over a swiveling globe stands a lady player on a shuttle.

The trophy is 18 inches in height and was manufactured to Mrs. Uber own design by Messrs. Mappin & Webb, of London. Engraved around the base of the trophy are the words, 'The ladies International Badminton Championships Challenge Trophy presented to the International Badminton Federation by Mrs. H S Uber, 1956.'

The competition is now held every two years with a format of 3 singles and 2 doubles.Here is a list of past Uber Cup winners:

Year Champion

1957 United States

1960 United States

1963 United States

1966 Japan

1969 Japan

1972 Japan

1975 Indonesia

1978 Japan

1981 Japan

1984 China

1986 China

1988 China

1990 China

1992 China

1994 Indonesia

1996 Indonesia

1998 China

2000 China

2002 China

2004 China


The Thomas Cup

The Thomas Cup story began in England nearly 70 years ago when an English nobleman, having himself derived much pleasure from Badminton, decided to leave something for posterity.

That man was the wealthy baronet of Yapton,Sir George Alan Thomas, after whom the cup is named. A leading player of the English Badminton scene for more than two decades, Sir George had between 1903 and 1927 won an impressive record number of All-England championships, including the singles titles for four successive years.

Sir George has envisaged a world cup championship for Badminton similar to that for football, instituted in 1930. His idea was well received by the International Badminton Federation, IBF.

In 1939, Sir George presented to the IBF the handsome Cup, a shinning 28 inch gold-plated trophy hammered in silver. Engraved on the front of the Cup are the words, 'The International Badminton Championship Cup presented to the International Badminton Federation by Sir George Thomas, Bart., 1939'.

Due to world war two, it was not until 1948 that the first contest for the Thomas Cup could be launched. Initially, The Thomas Cup was played every three years. Since 1982, the Tournament has been every two years with a format of 3 singles and 2 doubles. Here is a list of past Thomas Cup winners:

Year Champion

1949 Malaya

1952 Malaya

1955 Malaya

1958 Indonesia

1961 Indonesia

1964 Indonesia

1967 Malaysia

1970 Indonesia

1973 Indonesia

1976 Indonesia

1979 Indonesia

1982 China

1984 Indonesia

1986 China

1988 China

1990 China

1992 Malaysia

1994 Indonesia

1996 Indonesia

1998 Indonesia

2000 Indonesia

2002 Indonesia

2004 China


Secara amnya, obesiti merupakan pengumpulan lemak berlebihan yang menimbun di dalam badan seseorang. Obesiti kini dianggap sebagai satu penyakit dan terjadi apabila tisu-tisu lemak menjadi keterlaluan. Lebih teruk lagi, obesiti boleh mengganggu dan mencederakan organ-organ badan dan seterusnya akan menyebabkan masalah kesihatan yang serius. Selain daripada mengehadkan kegiatan fizikal dan sosial, jangka hayat penghidapnya juga semakin pendek.

Siapakah yang tergolong dalam obesiti

* Mempunyai berat badan sekurang-kurangnya dua kali lebih berat berbanding ukuran ideal;
* Mempunyai berat badan sekurang-kurangnya 45 kilogram melebihi berat badan sepatutnya;
* Indeks Jisim Badan (BMI) melebihi 40 atau 35 (sila lihat di bawah untuk bagaimana mengira BMI);
* Mengalami beberapa penyakit seperti tekanan darah tinggi atau diabetes (kencing manis); dan
* Gagal mengekalkan berat badan yang sihat dalam jangka panjang sekalipun mengikut diet yang disarankan oleh pakar-pakar pemakanan.

Makanan dan kesesuaian

Pemakanan yang sihat sangat penting untuk tubuh kita. Ini kerana diet pemakanan yang sihat sebenarnya dapat membantu menghasilkan tenaga serta dapat membantu tubuh kita bekerja dengan lebih baik. Tentu ramai di kalangan anda yang gemar menghabiskan masa berada di hadapan televisyen. Aktiviti sebegini memang menyeronokkan, tetapi anda harus ingat aktiviti seperti ini sebenarnya tidak bagus untuk tubuh badan anda. Aktiviti ini dipanggil sebagai aktiviti statik kerana anda hanya duduk dan tidak sedikit pun melakukan senaman bagi membakar kalori dalam tubuh badan. Ini mungkin boleh mendatangkan kegemukan. Untuk itu, bagi merangsang tubuh badan supaya bergiat aktif, anda bolehlah melakukan aktiviti yang mengeluarkan peluh seperti bermain, menari, menyertai acara sukan, mengemas rumah atau mencuci kereta di waktu lapang atau apa sahaja aktiviti yang dirasakan sesuai dengan keupayaan anda. Dengan melakukan aktiviti seperti ini, kita juga dapat membantu otot-otot kita menjadi kuat.

Apakah berat badan sepatutnya?

Manusia dilahirkan dengan saiz, tinggi, dan bentuk badan yang berbeza. Sebab itu, tidak semua orang mempunyai ketinggian, bentuk, dan berat badan yang sama. Berat badan sepatutnya dikategorikan sebagai sederhana, iaitu tidak gemuk dan tidak pula kurus. Jika anda hendakkan berat badan sebegini, anda perlu menjauhi makanan yang mengandungi banyak lemak dan kalori. Tetapi, jangan berlapar sehingga badan berubah menjadi kurus. Makanlah dengan cukup. Oleh itu, banyakkan makan makanan berkhasiat seperti buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran kerana badan anda amat memerlukan makanan tersebut.


Tahukah anda apa itu asimilasi makanan? Asimilasi makanan ialah proses pencernaan dan penukaran makanan berkhasiat menjadi tisu hidup. Di samping itu, dengan adanya pemakanan, kita juga dapat mengetahui bagaimana badan kita bekerja. Dalam pemakanan ini terkandung semua jenis pengelasan makanan, misalnya vitamin, protein, lemak, dan sebagainya.

Makanan berkhasiat seperti buah-buahan, sayur-sayuran, tenusu, dan bijirin sebenarnya dapat membantu pertumbuhan serta kesihatan tubuh badan anda.

Apakah Indeks Jisim Badan?

Indeks Jisim Badan (BMI) (bahasa Inggeris: Body Mass Index) merupakan formula untuk menilai berat badan serta berkait rapat dengan ketinggian seseorang itu. BMI merupakan pengukuran tidak langsung komposisi badan kerana ia amat berkaitan dengan lemak yang terdapat dalam berat badan serta ketinggian seseorang individu itu.

Indeks Jisim Badan
Status BMI
Kurus Kurang 20.6
Normal 20.7 - 26.4
Gemuk 26.5 - 30.9
Obesiti 31.0 - 45.2
Bahaya Lebih 45.3

Jika anda ingin tahu berat badan serta ketinggian anda itu menepati ciri-ciri berat badan yang ideal atau tidak, anda boleh menggunakan pengiraan BMI seperti berikut:

Ukur berat badan anda dalam kilogram (kg) dan tinggi dalam meter (m): BMI =

tinggi(m) x tinggi(m)

Setelah mendapat keputusan BMI, anda bolehlah melihat carta di sebelah kanan bagi menentukan sama ada anda tergolong dalam kategori gemuk atau terlalu kurus.

Kandungan lemak dalam makanan

Apa sahaja makanan yang kita makan, sebenarnya mengandungi banyak kalori daripada lemak.

Jangan jadikan amalan, makan sambil menonton televisyen. Perbuatan ini boleh menyebabkan anda seronok sehingga tidak mahu berhenti makan.

Risiko kesihatan

Sekiranya berat badan anda bertambah, pelbagai keadaan serta masalah boleh berlaku, antaranya ialah:

* Penyakit kardioviskular (berkaitan dengan jantung)
* Strok (angin ahmar)
* Tekanan darah tinggi
* Batu hempedu
* Diabetes (kencing manis)
* Paras kolestrol darah yang tinggi
* Gout
* Sakit di bahagian bawah belakang badan
* Sukar bernafas
* Osteoartritis spina (tulang belakang), pinggang atau lutut
* Gangguan pembuangan air kecil
* Penyakit hati
* Barah usus

Senaman yang boleh dilakukan

Tentu ramai anda yang takut dan bimbang ditimpa pelbagai penyakit bukan? Jangan bimbang, kalau ada penyakit, pasti ada penawarnya. Senaman yang dirasakan sesuai untuk meningkatkan lagi aktiviti fizikal anda supaya tidak berlaku masalah kesihatan:

* Berjalan kaki dengan cepat, menaiki tangga, bersenam aerobik. * Berlari, lari-lari anak (joging), berbasikal, berenang, atau merentas desa.
* Bersukan dengan bermain tenis, bola sepak, atau skuasy.
* Berjalan-jalan, berkebun.
* Melakukan kerja-kerja rumah, menari, dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang lain.

Kenapa perlu bersenam?

Anda tahu tidak kenapa kita perlu bersenam? Faedahnya banyak. Dengan bersenam, badan kita akan jadi sihat dan kuat. Kita juga akan jauh daripada pelbagai penyakit. Antara faedah lain daripada bersenam ialah:

* Senaman dapat meningkatkan kelembutan (kelenturan otot) dan membina kekuatan otot.
* Jantung bekerja lebih cekap ketika bersenam dan berehat.
* Meningkatkan kadar nadi dan mencegah pengerasan arteri, serta dapat menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Arteri yang keras merupakan penyebab utama berlakunya tekanan darah tinggi yang boleh membawa penyakit jantung dan angin ahmar (strok).
* Meningkatkan keupayaan badan mengawal paras glukosa darah.
* Membantu mengawal lipid darah yang tidak normal.
* Menguatkan tulang dan meningkatkan imbangan. Ini akan membantu mencegah atau memperlahankan proses osteoporosis (kereputan tulang) dan mengurangkan risiko daripada terjatuh yang boleh menyebabkan patah pinggang atau kecederaan yang lain.

Kanak-kanak yang kurus lebih aktif berbanding kanak-kanak yang gemuk.

by Khamisah Mohamed Jamil


"I just get this article from QAISARA ZARIFAH SHAHROM"..actually i know her when she was kid and start school..but i never meet her for a long time..suddently i meet her here..and like to share with her article.."..


Hey!! You there! Did you survive your first week? Good for those who did and don't give up for those who don't. Let me say, school is tough. But don't worry because you'll get use to it.

Today I want to ask you guys something. Have you been under a lot of stress? Don't you have to worry because I have a cure for that. For those who enjoy reading like myself, you can probably pick up a book that you like and start reading. You will find yourself relax in a few minutes and while you are reading, make sure you take your breath slowly.

For those who like to listen to musics, I know you like pop and hip hop and young contemporary, but for you to calm down you have to listen to instrumental musics especially piano pieces. It'll sure calm you down in a minute. And if both of the ways stated up there did not work, you can always jog or exercise a bit. You know exercise is good for you. Also live your lives happily and eat smart and eat lots of vegetables and fruits.


Super Mom

Mom, you're a wonderful mother,
So gentle, yet so strong.
The many ways you show you care
Always make me feel I belong.

You're patient when I'm foolish;
You give guidance when I ask;
It seems you can do most anything;
You're the master of every task.

You're a dependable source of comfort;
You're my cushion when I fall.
You help in times of trouble;
You support me whenever I call.

I love you more than you know;
You have my total respect.
If I had my choice of mothers,
You'd be the one I'd select!

By Joanna Fuchs



Friday, May 7, 2010




Cardiovascular Training

A single half hour session of cardio, can burn hundreds of extra calories during the performance of your session. And also after the session there are also more fat burning effects for up to several hours. The body’s cellular furnace expands in size and number and the aerobic enzymes increase in quantity which also accelerates the fat burning process. Over a period these factors allow your body to rely more on utilising fat rather than glycogen (carbohydrates) for fuel helping you obtain and sustain long term weight management. Cardio training also improves muscular endurance. When you lift weights, your body converts glucose into the high-energy compound ATP to fuel exercise performance. During this conversion process, lactic acid is produced and rapidly accumulates in your muscles as you train. When lactic acid builds up past a certain point, you experience an intense burning sensation in the muscles. The burn becomes so strong that it impedes your ability to achieve a muscular contraction; at that point you simply cannot continue to train. However, by increasing aerobic capacity, your cardiovascular system becomes more efficient at delivering oxygen to the working muscles. This helps to increase your lactic acid threshold, and thereby delays the onset of lactic acid build up. The net result is a greater capacity to train at a high level of intensity. Cardio training will also enhance muscular recuperation. Aerobic exercise helps to expand your network of capillaries-the tiny blood vessels that allow nutrients such as protein and carbohydrates to be absorbed into body tissues. The more capillaries that you have, the more efficient the body becomes in using these nutrients for muscular repair. Capillaries also help to clear waste products, particularly carbon dioxide, from the food burning process, further enhancing the nutrient delivery system. This accelerates the rate at which the muscles are able to get the nutrients needed for recuperation, helping to improve your workouts and to speed recovery.

Toning training treadmill There are two basic factors that influence the fat-burning effects of cardio: duration and intensity (how long and how hard you train). For any given level of calories burned, these factors have an inverse relationship: if you train harder, then you don’t have to train as long; if you train longer, then you don’t have to train as hard. However, it has been shown that a specific type of cardio known as interval training provides significant benefits over steady state exercise. For one, interval training is extremely time efficient, allowing you to complete a training workout in half the time of a normal cardio workout, and is more effective at burning fat.

Your cardio workout will therefore be of an interval training routine, during the high-intensity interval you will train for one minute at a level that exceeds your lactate threshold. This will be followed by a lower-intensity interval of between 1 and 4 minutes, where your body has a chance to clear lactic acid from the blood and replenish oxygen stores. This cycle will be repeated multiple times over the course of your cardio workout, and allow you to burn in excess of 300 calories in just 30 mins.

You will monitor the intensity of intervals using a rate of perceived exertion (RPE). This is a measure of how hard you feel when you are training, taking into account the physical sensations you experience during your workout, including increases in hear rate, breathing rate, and sweating. The RPE is rated using an incremental scale ranging from one to ten, with one representing a lack of exertion and ten being the maximum possible exertion. For example, a three would indicate a level of exertion that is fairly easy, and a level eight would be a level that was very demanding. You may have trouble getting through an entire workout at the suggested RPE levels; if this is the case then don’t worry simply decrease your levels to a level more consistent with your level of ability. As time goes on then your level of fitness will increase enabling you to complete the workout at a higher level.

With cardio training it is best to add variety to your training this is called cross training and can be accomplished by performing as few as two different activities (although the more, the better) and alternating them each workout. That way different workout will use different muscle groups and will reduce the risk of the musculoskeletal system from overuse. You therefore should consider using the treadmill, stair climber, and stationary bike. But any activity can be chosen for interval training, such as outdoor running, skipping, rowing, and elliptical training.

The Super Toning Training Routine

This routine is such that you must be prepared for hard training and you should ensure that your health is of such that you may embark on this type of routine. If you are not sure then seek medical advice before starting. If just starting out then you must cut the routine down until your level of fitness and level of resistance training is of such a level that you can complete all of this routine. If you are a beginner you should only complete 2 sets of the resistance training given below and only complete the first six minutes of the cardio routine and increasing week by week. Making sure that you complete the warm up, stretch, and cool down given below.

It is very important that you warm up before training, and after the warm up you should complete some muscle stretching, and cool down after your training routine.

Warm Up

The first part of any training routine is the warm-up, it should increase the heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, dilate the blood vessels, increase elasticity of the active muscles, and increase the heat produced by the muscle groups to be used during exercise.
A proper warm-up consists of two phases:

1. A graduated aerobic warm-up activity - This is a warm-up to get the blood flowing to the muscles. This also heats up the working muscles making them less prone to injury. Any aerobic activity done at the very low intensity can serve to warm-up the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
2. Stretching and flexibility – This is to be performed on the muscle groups you will be exercising during the cardiovascular activity. (An example would be a quadriceps stretch before bicycling).

The warm-up phase should last anywhere from 5 – 10 mins.

Cool Down

The purpose of a cool down is to slowly decrease the cardiovascular work and overall metabolism that were elevated during the cardiovascular activity. A cool down consists of slowing down the intensity level of the cardiovascular activity you are performing slowly. Stopping exercise suddenly can be dangerous. A cool down keeps the body circulating blood and keeps blood from pooling in the veins. A proper cool down should last about 5 – 10 min for each thirty minutes of exercise if the cardiovascular activity is performed for longer periods or is of higher intensity the cool down phase should last longer.

Stretching Before Training

Woman stretching Stretching before your training routine has positive effects on your posture and mobility, and can also reduce the risk of injury. Here is a list of basic stretching exercises.
Upper back stretch.

From a standing position, grasp a stationary object (such as a pole or exercise machine) with both hands. Bend the knees and sit back so that your arms are fully extended and supporting your weight. Shift your weight to the right to isolate the right portion of your latissimus muscle (side of back). Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds, and then shift your weight to the left. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions.
Triceps stretch. (back of arm)

From a standing position, raise your right arm over your head. Bend your elbow so that your right hand is behind your head. With your left hand grasp your right wrist or elbow and pull it back as far as comfortably possible, pointing your right elbow toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 20 -30 seconds then repeat the process with your left arm. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions with each arm.
Chest stretch.

From a standing position, grasp a stationary object (such as a piece of exercise equipment or a pole) with your right hand. Your arm should be straight and roughly parallel to the ground. Slowly turn away from the object, allowing your arm to go as far behind the body as comfortably possible. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds, and then repeat the process with your left arm. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions on each side.
Shoulder stretch.

From a standing position, Grasp your right wrist or elbow with your left hand. Without turning your body, slowly pull your right arm across your torso as far as comfortably possible. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds, and then repeat the process with your left arm. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions with each arm.
Bicep stretch (front or arm).

From a standing position, extend your right arm forward with your palm facing up. Place your left palm underneath your right elbow. Slowly straighten your right arm as much as comfortably possible, pressing your elbow down into your left hand. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds, and then repeat the process with your left arm. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions with each arm.
Glute/Hamstring stretch (backside and back of leg).

Sit on the floor with your legs straight and slowly bend forward. Allow your hands to travel down along the line of your body as far as comfortably possible. When you feel an intense stretch in your hamstrings, (back of the leg) grab onto your legs and hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions with each leg.
Quadriceps stretch (front of thigh).

From a standing position, grasp a stationary object (such as a pole or exercise machine) with your right hand. Bend your left knee and bring your left foot toward your backside. Grasp your left ankle or foot with your left hand and slowly lift your foot as high as comfortably possible. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds and then repeat on the other leg. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions on each leg.
Calf stretch (rear of lower leg).

From a standing position, grasp a stationary object (such as a piece of exercise equipment or pole) with both hands. Bend your right knee and bring your left leg behind your body as far as possible whilst keeping your feet flat on the floor. Slowly lean forward without lifting your left heel. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds then repeat the process for the left leg.
Abdominal stretch (stomach muscles).

From a standing position, place your hands on your sides and slowly lean back as far as comfortably possible. For added effect and to enhance the stretch on the oblique muscles, (muscles on upper side of waist) lean to your left and then to your right while performing this stretch. Complete 1 – 3 repetitions.

Resistance Training.

In the routine given below you will complete two to four sets of each exercise. You will finish all sets for each given exercise before moving onto the next exercise.

You must complete 8 – 10 reps (repetitions) for each exercise; this is the ideal amount of reps for muscle hypertrophy (tone). The reasons why we must complete this number of repetitions are:

* Maximum growth can only be achieved by activating the full spectrum of muscle fibres, and a moderate rep scheme will accomplish this better than a low rep range or even a very high rep range. Both of the fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibres are brought into play, and the time the muscle is under tension is long enough to work the muscles to their fullest potential.
* Moderate reps have also been shown to maximise the release of various hormones, including testosterone and growth hormone. This is facilitated by the accrual of lactic acid. It has been shown that lactate promotes hormonal excitation, which then acts on the muscle cell to induce growth.
* Moderate repetition has been shown to cause a distinct “pump” in the muscle in which your muscles fill up with blood. This not only provides a temporary fullness to your muscles, but also increases the hydration within muscle cells. Studies have demonstrated that a hydrated cell stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits protein breakdown (proteolysis). Therefore muscles will be provided with the raw materials to lay down new contractile proteins, which is the primary basis for muscle growth.

In relation to the overload principle, the weight you choose must be heavy enough that the last few reps must be a struggle, and you may not be able to complete all the reps, therefore if you are able to complete the full amount of reps quite easily then the weight is to light. If you are not able to complete at least eight reps then the weight is too heavy and must be dropped. It may take you a couple of sessions to get the weights right.

Rests between sets will be 60 – 90 seconds between sets, this has been proven to be sufficient so that you can be strong on the next sets whilst keep your anabolic levels high.

The workouts given below should not be done on consecutive days but ideally on a Mon, Wed and Friday. The days in between will be days that cardiovascular training will be done..

Sunday, April 25, 2010